Personal Development Guide for Surrogate Mothers

As a surrogate mother, personal development can be a lot to take in and execute given the complexity of the human psyche. This article is developed to guide you in the right path and give you easy to apply tips that will improve your personal development goals as a surrogate.

For starters, be in the presence of positive people. They are sure to bring a lot of joy and positivity that will surely flush out any negative energy you get from people who aren’t as encouraging of your self-improvement aspirations.

Exercising is another useful tip. Not only will it keep your body fit but will make you feel good about yourself. This is beneficial for surrogate mothers who need a boost every now and then.

Take advantage of breaks. Whenever you find yourself in a rut, take a breather. It will help you see things in a better light and get your brain working again. Taking regular breaks is good because it gives you the chance to recharge your mind, so when you resume work, you’ll be able to get a whole lot more done.

Keep a journal with you so whenever thoughts hit, you can write them down.  As a surrogate mother, this is exactly a good idea as this will allow you to keep track of changes or moods that are important to you. Bring some paper with you when you go out. Write down your idea in detail, and then go back to it when you feel like it.

Last but not the least, do a self check. Ask yourself questions that will help you reassess the way you approach life and how you can do better. Look over your own past experiences. Which events had the most impact on the way you live your life? What transformations have occurred thanks to these events? Thinking deeply about these issues as a surrogate mom can bring awareness and appreciation that are essential to your personal health.

Gestational Carrier’s Nutrition Guide

A healthy and nutritious diet can change your life for the better in so many ways, especially for a gestational carrier. From improving your mood to reducing your risk for various illnesses, choosing your food wisely has countless benefits. Here are some tips on how you can improve your health through the food that you eat while being a gestational carrier.

As a gestational carrier, you must pay attention to the labels at the back of the food that you buy in the grocery store. Take the time to read the nutritional values on the packages before you make your purchase. Doing so will help you make informed decisions on your food choices.

One of the best things you can do to ensure proper nutrition as a gestational carrier is to include a good multi-vitamin in your daily regimen. This will be more or less, provided for you by the soon to be parents and prescribed by your health practitioner.  A good multi-vitamin for a gestational carrier should be balanced and prescribed by your physician’s recommendations for you, not the RDA. These multivitamins provide your body with the necessary levels of various minerals and vitamins that you might not be getting in your diet. This will act as a supplement and will also aid in the development of the baby that you are carrying.

When considering your nutrition as a gestational carrier, it is important to keep the soon to be parents involved throughout the whole process. This will make them feel excited and bring about a feeling of value and importance. Take them to the store with you and have them help you pick out foods that they like and that are healthy for you and the baby.

As a gestational carrier, make sure to mix protein and carbohydrates when you sit down to eat. You’ll still get energy from the carbohydrates, but the protein will keep you full. Eating a mix of the two will keep your blood sugar stable and keep your appetite in check.

Building healthy eating habits are vital to a sustainable plan for healthy nutrition not just for you as a gestational carrier, but also for the child that you are carrying. The overall effectiveness of a healthy diet, hinges entirely on whether or not you can stick to it. Diet alterations that are easy to accept are preferable over extreme modifications that you, as a gestational carrier, will struggle with.

When considering your nutrition as a gestational carrier, be sure to watch out for foods that may appear healthy but end up being quite the opposite. There can be a lot of fats and sodium in supposedly healthy looking snacks. Smoothies for example, may end up having a lot of calories from fats and sugar depending on the ingredients they used. You are, after all, eating for two so it is vital for you to be careful with what you put in your body.

How to Tell Your Family You Are a Surrogate

How to Tell Your Family You Are a Surrogate

When you want to become a surrogate mother, it is not an easy task. Along with the numerous responsibilities before, during, and after the surrogacy journey, you will be left with the dilemma of letting your family, children and friends know of your decision to become a surrogate mother for others. Getting all the moral support you can from your family, children, and friends is very important for your surrogacy journey. The moral support your family can give you will help you cope with all the emotions you might feel during pregnancy.

It is important to remember that any pregnancy usually affects those people who are near and dear to you. Your immediate family should be the first ones to find out about your decision to become a surrogate mother. Your husband, parents, and children should be well educated on the surrogacy process. The best time to tell your immediate family about your decision to become a surrogate mother is when you have firmly decided on being a surrogate. Letting your immediate family know the reasons why you decided on being a surrogate will greatly help them understand your purpose and goals. Being truthful with them will help them understand and accept your decision.

Letting your children understand your situation as a surrogate will take a bit of time and patience. Remember that the reaction of your children will depend mainly on what you have told them. Explaining this sort of thing to your children will always call for sensitivity, and most importantly, the truth. You should also consider introducing the concepts and ideas of surrogacy to your children over a period of time, rather than all at once. For example, as you arrange a meeting with the intended parents, you can take the opportunity to bring up these ideas with your children. You can begin talking about families and what makes a family between television shows or after social gatherings with other children so that they can get the importance of family.

For your friends and other relatives, it is highly advisable to not let them know about your situation as a surrogate immediately. The best approach would be to let the pregnancy come up naturally in conversation. The more natural, confident, and happy you are about it, the more accepting they will be to you being a surrogate. If you are nervous and scared of their reaction, they may question your decision. Just remember that they won’t all accept or agree with your decision to become a surrogate mother and this should not affect you.

You should not fool yourself into believing that your pregnancy will not affect the people who are closest to you. It is vital for your family to be well prepared and supportive, and this is a very important aspect for your pregnancy to be a success. They need to fully understand that the baby is not going to be a member of your family. If you have children, you need to make them realize that they are not getting another brother or sister. They need to understand that you are merely providing a service for some couple who were not able to have a baby on their own. Surrogacy can be a very educational and socially expanding experience, not only for yourself and your family, but also your community.


Should Pregnant Surrogates Eat Organic Foods?

Should Pregnant Surrogates Eat Organic Foods?

The goal shared by all intended parents and surrogate mothers is to produce a healthy baby. To ensure that the baby develops properly, it’s very important for the surrogate to eat healthily while she is pregnant. More and more, intended parents are going a step further by asking their surrogates to eat only organic foods. While some surrogates are reluctant to do this, others are entirely willing – after all, it may improve their own health.

As with any significant decision, though, there are pros and cons to be considered.

The downsides include that organic foods can be much more expensive than the same type of non-organically-produced foods. This is due to their higher cost of production. A surrogate may be more willing to eat organic foods if the intended parents offered to pay for the organic foods she eats.

A related issue to that is the fact that organic foods can also be harder to obtain; not every grocery store or supermarket has such a wide selection of organics. They’re a specialty item, after all, and surrogates with fewer options for food-shopping (in rural areas or small towns, for instance) may have trouble shopping for organic foods.

And of course, not every food is available organically. There’s a real possibility that a surrogate eating only organically may have to miss out on some of her favorite foods for the duration of her pregnancy.

There are convenience issues, too. Organics, due to their lack of preservatives, can spoil more easily – shorter shelf-lives, which require more regular shopping.

But there are a lot of good reasons that intended parents ask their surrogates to eat organic foods. Insecticides and additives are potentially harmful if they are passed though to the baby during pregnancy. Organic foods lack insecticides and additives – those things won’t be carried through into the baby.

Health concerns have, from time to time, been raised over genetically modified crops, or meat from animals that have been fed those crops. Organic food, by definition, is not genetically modified, which removes those concerns.

Research has shown, additionally, that organic foods contain more healthy vitamins and minerals, possibly due to the lack of preservatives involved.

And as a side-benefit, if you’re concerned about how animals are treated, organic food is a much better idea. Organic farming requires that animals be fed a natural diet, and are kept (unlike mass-produced ‘factory farm’ meat) in much more humane free-range conditions.

So while organic food can be inconvenient at times and more expensive, it also does provide a much healthier choice for the surrogate and the baby. It’s a big decision that should be weighed seriously from both sides, but there are solid reasons behind why a lot of intended parents do want their surrogate mothers to eat organically during their pregnancy.


Important Things You Need to Know After IVF

Important Things You Need to Know After IVF

After an embryo transfer, a lot of tension and anxiety can happen. For first-time surrogates and intended parents, questions begin to linger in their minds – “Should I be on bed rest for the first two or three days?”, “What foods should I eat?”, “How active can I be during the two-week wait, and “Will our surrogate get pregnant?”

These questions are all important to comprehend, and advice can vary from doctor to doctor. The really important thing to remember is that there’s no guarantee of pregnancy through IVF – there are a lot of factors involved in the process.

Some common suggestions recommended by doctors are:

1. No heavy lifting for the first 48 hours after IVF transfer.

2. No strenuous physical activities like running or aerobics.

3. No alcohol, drugs or smoking.

4. No intercourse until a fetal heartbeat is determined.

5. Bed rest for the first two days after the IVF transfer.

It’s very important to remember that these instructions do differ between doctors.

As intended parents, if you want to be more sure that these instructions are followed, it might be helpful to assist – or have someone assist – your surrogate during the first two days after the IVF transfer. Run the errands that the surrogate needs done, prepare meals for her and her family, help with laundry and so forth.
The surrogate is likely to really appreciate your help while she’s on bed-rest, while you yourself would have peace of mind that the surrogate is following her doctor’s instructions.

In most cases, the transfer’s success is known after ten days. On the tenth day after the transfer, the surrogate goes back to the IVF clinic to see if the embryo has implanted into the uterus.

On Day 12 after the embryo transfer, the fertility clinic checks to see if the HcG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) level has doubled – if it has, then the embryo is properly growing.

The In Vitro Fertilization procedure is not 100% successful; not every embryo transfer will result in a pregnancy. In the event that it doesn’t, it’s important not to make any rash decisions until the intended parents have had an opportunity to discuss the outcome with the doctor.

The doctor may have some insight about why the transfer was a failure – poor embryo quality, poor uterine lining or genetic problems are all possibilities.
Surrogacy is never a certain process, and the better you understand it, the better you’ll be able to plan your next steps. Proper medical advice will help the intended parents understand the best way to move forward.

There are a lot of important aspects of surrogacy that need to be properly understood. Knowing them will help intended parents better comprehend the process of surrogacy.

The issue of bed rest after an IVF transfer is still under debate; so far, nothing has been proven. Remember, it’s at the discretion of your doctor to give all the necessary instructions to your surrogate – first and foremost, pay attention to your doctor’s advice.

Your Next Step

To find the surrogate mother that’s right for you and your family, simply fill out our easy free online application and a Oregon Surrogate Agency caseworker will contact you within 24 hours (during the business week) to discuss your application, answer any questions you might have, and outline the next steps. And in the meantime, you can also download our free reports to get even more information on surrogacy and the surrogate experience.

6 Tips on Choosing the Best Surrogate Pregnancy Pillow

6 Tips on Choosing the Best Surrogate Pregnancy Pillow

Because it’s so essential to be comfortable during your surrogate pregnancy, a pregnancy pillow is an important prenatal accessory.

Healthcare professionals recommend that women sleep on their left side with knees bent slightly, but many surrogate mothers find this sleep position uncomfortable. While a head pillow can support certain parts of the body, one specifically designed to support the whole body can be more comfortable during your surrogate pregnancy.

Here are six helpful tips on choosing the best pregnancy pillow:

1. Pinpoint the areas that are most stressful to you. Every surrogate mother’s pregnancy is different, with different aches and discomforts. Pregnancy pillows are specifically designed to alleviate all different types of stress, from hip pressure to back support. Figure out exactly what stresses are most bothersome and find the pillow designed for your needs.

2. Know the different types of pregnancy pillows. Maternity body pillows are available in a variety of options: full body memory foam pillows that adjust to the contours of your body; smaller pillows made to soothe and prevent specific problems like back, hip and upper shoulder pain; simple wedges that slide under your growing belly; and bean-shaped pillows that wrap around your mid-section.

3. Research the best type of maternity pillow. Ask friends and relatives; it’s best to ask someone who has been recently pregnant and use their comments as a guide on your choice of maternity pillows. There are also websites and magazines with reviews on specific products. Remember that personal reviews are the most honest opinion and a great guide for helping you narrow down your search.

4. Try and test your choices. A maternity pillow may feel differently when held snug against your body than it feels when you push it in with your hand. Most home and maternity stores allow you to touch, caress and even try their products. This will be one of the most important purchases you’ll make during your pregnancy, so it is best to take your time, try a few different options and decide which one is right for you.

5. Try a new sleeping position. If you’re used to sleeping on your back or front, then you’ll probably have a difficult time adjusting to the lump forming on your stomach, but you can get used to it. You can start by trying to fall asleep on your side in the early weeks and months of your pregnancy to give yourself a leg up in the adjustment phase. You should also start to use your maternity pillow before you feel like you need it, as your body will need some time to get used to this new product.

6. Don’t be cheap when comfort is concerned. Body pillows can be relatively expensive, especially when you get to the types that provide pinpoint relief to very specific problem areas. Remember that a durable pillow can be used again and many maternity pillows can be used post-pregnancy for nursing and cradling your new baby.


Common Mistakes in Buying Maternity Clothes

Common Mistakes in Buying Maternity Clothes

When it comes to shopping for maternity clothes during your surrogate pregnancy, you need to consider comfort, practicality and affordability – after all, you don’t want to spend a fortune on something you’ll only wear for a few months.

Even if you’re only planning to buy a few items, you should be aware of the common mistakes many surrogate mothers make when buying maternity clothes. Here are a few of them:

Mistake One: Not Considering the Fabric.

When pregnant, your overall body shape and size will change; that’s what makes it so important to choose the right type of fabric for your clothes. Consider breathability, stretchniess, durability and softness – look for natural fabrics like cotton, modal and bamboo. Avoid clothing made from synthetic materials such as polyester; they retain heat, which can be uncomfortable when pregnant.

Also avoid clothes listed as wrinkle-free or permanent press; studies show that these materials are treated with chemicals like formaldehyde, which can be dangerous to pregnant women and their growing babies.

Mistake Two: Focusing on Price.

Maternity clothing can be expensive, but they’re an area where you definitely get what you pay for. Some pregnant women don’t consider this a problem – after all, they’ll only be wearing the clothes for at most nine months, right?

Unfortunately, most cheap maternity clothing doesn’t even last that long. They begin to tear and unravel after the first or second wash, and certainly won’t carry you through the entire pregnancy.

One way to save money is to only buy a few essential items, but make sure those items are good. Also consider second-hand items at resale shops, rummage sales or on eBay; while they may have been worn before, they’re still likely to have a lot of life for their low price.

Mistake Three: Not Planning Ahead

Most pregnant women don’t plan ahead – they don’t consider that during pregnancy, their body shape and size will gradually change. Buying everything in a single spree is usually a bad idea – think ahead and invest in quality pieces that’ll work for the duration of your pregnancy.


Other Skin Conditions During Pregnancy

Other Skin Conditions During Pregnancy

While the most common skin conditions a surrogate mother might encounter during pregnancy are pregnancy glow, stretch marks, acne and chloasma, there are other ones that a surrogate should be aware of. Most aren’t permanent – they usually go away after childbirth.

Some of them are:

1. Red palms and soles. As early as the second month of pregnancy, the insides of your hands, and the bottoms of your feet may itch and take on a reddish hue, called palmar erythema. This increased color is no more than a curiosity of pregnancy, which usually ends with childbirth.

2. Spider veins. Those much-discussed pregnancy hormones, along with increased blood volume, cause the tiny, squiggly red or purple capillaries just below the surface of the skin to branch out and become more visible during pregnancy. It’s also common for spider veins to pop out on the face or on the sclera or white part of the eyeballs during delivery; intense, red-in-the-face pushing can break tiny blood vessels. Known as nevi, these burst vessels can be camouflaged by the appropriate use of make-up. Nevi takes longer to disappear than many of the other skin problems of pregnancy; some spider veins on the legs or torso may not go away on their own. A dermatologist can remove these spider veins using injections if you feel that’s necessary.

3. Itching. Many women enjoy a good “scratch down” at the end of the day. Some areas of your skin may itch because they are dry and flaky; others can itch due to a prickly rash. Many women find the itching to be most bothersome in the skin that stretches – mainly over the abdomen, but also on hips and thighs. To help you avoid itching, try applying baby powder to the troubled areas.

4. Skin tags. Some pregnant women develop tiny polyps, called skin tags, in areas where skin rubs against clothing or other skin. Commonly found under the arms, between neck folds, or under bra lines on the chest, skin tags are caused by hyperactive growth of a superficial layer of skin. They disappear a few months following delivery, but can be easily excised if they bother you.

5. Heat rash. You may think that only babies get prickly heat rash, but pregnant women also can. Caused by the combination of an already overheated pregnant body, dampness from excessive perspiration and the friction of skin rubbing against itself or against clothing, prickly heat rash is pimply and slightly irritating. It’s most common in the crease between and beneath the breasts, in the crease where the bulge of the lower abdomen rubs against the top of the pubic area, and on the inner thighs. To help prevent heat rash, try keeping yourself cool by taking regular baths or showers.

Most of these skin conditions usually vanish after childbirth. Although they’re quite normal, they can easily be aggravated at times. The best way to prevent them is to keep yourself fresh, cool and clean at all times.


Skin Care Tips During Pregnancy

Skin Care Tips During Pregnancy

Pregnancy has a clear effect on a surrogate mother’s appearance – alongside the gradual weight gain, there are hormonal changes that affect the skin. To help prevent some of the most common skin problems associated with pregnancy, here are some skin care tips:

1. Moisturize and use sun protection
The single most important addition you should make to your skin-care routine during your pregnancy is a moisturizer with at least SPF 15. Studies show that, during pregnancy, elevated hormone levels trigger the multiplication of pigment cells, which can cause facial blotchiness or ‘the mask of pregnancy.’

Using sunscreen daily is the best way to avoid this discoloration. If you know you’re going to be out in the midday sun or at the beach, it’s best to protect yourself with a sunblock of SPF 30 or higher. Try to look for lotions and creams that list Parsol 1789 or Avobenzone as ingredients.

2. Cleansing
It’s best to start your day with a good shower and a gentle facial cleanser. Use a non-residue or glycerin-based one. If your skin is ultra-dry, then it’s best to wash with a soapless rinse-off cleanser that’s mild and moisturizing. It’s a good idea to wash your face no more than twice a day, to prevent over-drying of the skin.

3. Acne protection
A pregnant woman’s skin can become oily during the first trimester of pregnancy, leading to acne breakouts. The safest way to treat these breakouts is with a product that contains glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, topical erythromycin (which is prescription-only), or witch hazel.

Most dermatologists and skin experts recommend against the use of topical retinoids like Retin-A or Differin and salicylic acid. Although these ingredients haven’t been linked to birth defects and there’s no conclusive evidence of negative side-effects, it’s still best to be cautious during pregnancy.

4. Easy makeup
When it comes to wearing makeup during pregnancy, use the ‘less is more’ philosophy – it’s faster and easier. All you really need is a few multipurpose products:

A foundation stick that doubles as concealer is great for covering under-eye circles and blemishes, and for evening out skin tone. Chubby pencils are foolproof for smudging on eyes, lips and cheeks, and won’t take much space in your bag. If you’re the kind of person who won’t leave the house without lipstick, make sure it’s moisturizing and contains sun protection. For a polished look, finish up with a coat of washable, waterproof mascara and you’re ready for the day.

During your surrogate pregnancy, it’s best to avoid heavy makeup that may contain harsh and toxic chemicals. Remember, the natural pregnancy glow can make a woman look most ravishing during pregnancy without any makeup whatsoever.


Maternity Clothes for Surrogates to Avoid

Maternity Clothes for Surrogates to Avoid

There’s no reason for a woman not to look good during her surrogate pregnancy. Lately, the range of options available in maternity clothing has grown drastically – but not every choice is a good one, and there are a lot of clothes styles you should completely avoid if you want to look your best while being comfortable.

Here are some tips on what to avoid:

1. Don’t buy over-sized maternity clothes. When you get pregnant, you’ll definitely get bigger – but still, don’t buy maternity clothes that make you look bigger than you actually are! Don’t compromise on the size of your clothes just to save a few bucks.

2. Don’t buy short dresses – these are not at all recommended during pregnancy for a couple of reasons. Not only will they make you feel uncomfortable physically, but also while sitting and walking in public. Additionally, as your stomach expands, the length of the dress will shorten further. Instead, try long maxis, which slim your figure and can even be worn post-pregnancy.

3. Don’t buy tight maternity clothes. It’s very important to choose the appropriate size, for comfort and well as appearance. It’s best to avoid tight tops that aren’t just uncomfortable, but aggravate sweating issues.

4. Don’t wear your regular undergarments; there are specialized ones designed for better comfort and ease during pregnancy. A number of maternity bras offer better support to your bust and give it a firmer look.

5. Don’t buy low-waist or underbelly pants. In the second and third trimesters, you’ll have a large belly, and you’ll really need comfort then. Avoid low-waist jeans and pants that not only create discomfort but may also hurt the stomach. The perfect option for that situation is full-belly bands.

6. Don’t spend too much – remember, your surrogate pregnancy will only last nine months. After giving birth, your normal figure will return, and the maternity clothes will no longer fit.

The most important considerations for surrogates when buying maternity clothes are comfort and appearance. Your pregnancy can open up a whole new world when it comes to shopping for clothing, so keep the above tips in mind so that you can make your best choices.
